Boracay Highlights Vlog with Travel Blogger Mireille Mali

by Mireille Mali

Boracay must be one of the Philippines most popular travel destination, it’s far from undiscovered — the islands absolute beauty and the food is to be blamed. Travel Blogger Mireille Mali spent one weekend vlogging about this gem's highlights with fellow YouTuber Karl Watson.

Boracay Highlights Travel Vlog

Watch them venture out to Magic Island for some cliff jumping adventures and taste the beste pizza on the island at Spiderhouse.


Vlog Link




Travel Blogger Mireille Mali in Boracay! IG: @MireilleMali!

Don't forget to let us know whether this inspired you to pack your bags for a Weekend Trip as well, we can design your weekend away from top to bottom, just like we did for them!


Happy Travels!


The Manaul Journeys Team


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