
Why Us

Our travel and lifestyle concierge is your personal journey assistant. Whether it's during your plan preparations from home or when you are in the Philippines, our concierge is available 24/7.

Our Guarantee


  • Guaranteed quick turn around time on each inquiry and/or request
  • Comprehensive solution options and contingencies for every request
  • Highly resourceful associates who are passionate to serve


  • One associate is assigned per customer, ensuring dedicated care
  • A comprehensive Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, ensuring understanding of each individual customer's profile and needs


  • A 24/7 on-line and phone helpdesk available for all requests and inquiries
  • All our associates are ready and able to accompany customers as needed, ensuring full-time accessibility

We Do

What We Do

We create and manage personalized, preference-driven itineraries. Whether you want to embark on a historical voyage or explore the pristine beaches of the Philippines, we will take you where you want to and let you discover what has to offer.

We provide concierge services during your Philippine journey. Acknowledging that the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray, our 24/7 concierge service will fulfill your journey's every need.

We Are

Who We Are

Manaul Journeys is a travel and lifestyle concierge in the Philippines. Embodying the spirit of the mythical Manaul, we aspire to free you from life’s everyday shackles and give you refuge in the Philippine islands that were borne out of a desire for a place of solace.


We co-create with you, your Philippine journey that is based on your profile and preferences. We also manage your stay in the Philippines, servicing all of your journey’s needs.

At Manaul, we believe that the destination is made more meaningful by and through the journey.


The Legend

According to Visayan myth, in the beginning, the Philippines only had sea and sky. There was a mythical bird, Manaul, who could not find any place to rest and pleaded to the god of the sea, Kaptan, and the god of the air, Magauayan, for help. Both gods, asserting their might, showed their strength. The god of sea created tidal waves to beat the sky; the god of air threw the waves back by whirlwinds of rock and soil. In this conflict, dry land was created.

After thousands of years, Manaul became tired of this conflict. He collected rocks and dropped them on both gods, causing the end of the conflict. The rocks thrown by Manaul became the islands of the Philippine archipelago.

Manaul then flew to a grove of tall bamboo to rest. He heard voices within the bamboo pleading for help to be freed. Manaul pecked at the bamboo and out of the stalk came the first man, Si-Kalac, and the first woman, Si-Kavay. After marrying, Si-Kavay bore her first son, Sibo and then a daughter, Samar.

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